Showing posts with label salmon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salmon. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2017

Is There A Secret to Stop Doing Stupid Things?

shower stallSometimes I do dumb things.  At the time they don't seem so stupid, but hindsight is a great teacher.  I was speaking at a conference for three days last month and was hosted in a beautiful home.  After arriving at my destination, I wanted to wash my hair quickly and assumed the bathtub was the best place to do that.  I knelt on a throw rug and s t r e t c h e d my neck to reach the bathtub faucet.  About an inch shy of the faucet, I stretched some more by "standing" on my tip toes.  There!  I could do this!

cracked ribs

BUT.....the rug slipped out from under me and I landed on the metal edge of the shower track on the tub.  I heard the noise and before the pain set in, I said out loud "NO!"  I heard my ribs crack.  My mind raced wondering how I was going to stand in high heels while speaking each day for a few hours let alone carry boxes of my books into the venue.

I managed and no one noticed.  But when I got home and relaxed later that week, the pain intensified.  Funny how that works.

I was excited to be featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul's Newsletter at this event.  I was selling my books as well as the Chicken Soup ones I have written a contribution.

Does one dumb thing lead to another?
